Saturday, 15 March 2014

Save Western Park Golf Club

The council or should I say Mr Soulsby have decided they are paying to much money subsidising golf at Western Park Golf Club.  And are in talks to close the course for good. Have your say on this blog where all comments will be recorded.
More to come over the next week...

Peter Soulsby is the Mayor / top man in Leicester City Council so the buck stops with him! Why has he overseen projects that have cost the City MILLIONS? e.g a City of Culture bid that FAILED!, Dug a BIG HOLE in a Council car park to find a skeleton and now he's being sued over ownership? (I beat he didn't pay the parking fee for the time the car park was closed?) He's put a recreational area in a completely impractical part of the City, closed down and built on the Safron Lane's velodrome (A Public Facility) now he wants to close down Western Park & Humberstone Heights Golf Clubs. His idea of spending Public Funds on projects for the minority that in my opinion aren't popular then pay for these selfish and impractical projects by closing down Public Facilities used by the majority has got to stop! I CALL FOR A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN MR SOULSBY AND HIS OFFICE!!

Thank you Ian Bailey for the info...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, in one foul swoop destroyed municipal fun for thousands of Leicester golfers. Western Park was where i discovered i loved the game back in 1977. I was sorry and saddened when i heard of the course closure - Soulsby, don't want to waste any words on him, period!